Michele O Medlin as Varna

Michele O Medlin as Varna


Varna really, really wants her hair to look like Dolly Parton's for the school prom. But with the help and hellfire of a beauty salon, she'll learn to discover her own inner beauty. 

Written and produced by Susan Batten

Directed by Hope Dickson Leach

This was Hope’s 1st year film for Columbia Film School. She loves it so much, and wishes she could make a hundred musicals.

Starring Michele Medlin, Kassie DePaiva and Cheryl Monroe

You can watch it here.


Kassie de Paiva as the over zealous hairdresser

Kassie de Paiva as the over zealous hairdresser

Cheryl Monroe tells Varna about Inner Beauty

Cheryl Monroe tells Varna about Inner Beauty